Which Road to Take?

Which road to take?  Well when there is a fork in the road you can make a choice. We always have choices. Sometimes we hold on to fears/phobias, limiting beliefs etc. because that is what we are used to doing and perhaps it feels safer. Life is precious so if a fear/phobia, limiting belief, anxiety

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PTSD and Trauma

PTSD and Trauma Often affecting military veterans, police, fire officers and the like. Can also be the result of a car accident, abuse, damaged childhood, sudden bereavement etc.  This is very debilitating and puts the person in a state of watchfulness, anxiety and fear at all times.    The brain perceives a possible danger, real

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Is Anxiety Running Your Life?

Is anxiety running your life? That overwhelming feeling of despair and fear. Hypnotherapy and Integral Eye Movement Therapy really can change that.  There’s nothing mystical about hypnosis, you are always in control.  It’s a state of pure focus where YOU can make changes with a little guidance from an experienced therapist. What have you got

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